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Be you, Be Brilliant.


Sibford School’s Governing Body is known as ‘School Committee’ and meets three times a year, while two sub-committees (Finance and Premises and School Life) meet on a further three occasions.

Most members of the governing body are ‘Friends’ (members of the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers) and are nominated through a committee set up by the Sibford General Meeting, which meets annually. School Committee is also supported by one Old Scholar representatives and two parents.


School Committee Members

First NameSurnameRole
StuartFowlerActing Clerk of School Committee & Parent
JacquelineDarkCommittee Member
AnitaMarchAssistant Clerk to Committee
RogerChapmanCommittee Member
MaggieGuyAssistant Clerk to Committee
ChristopherGaskellCommittee Member
StephenKaim-CaudleCommittee Member
EdwardSwanwickCommittee Member
BethanWhitakerCommittee Member


Staff Attenders

First NameSurnameRole
JessBoyleDirector of Studies
AllyLynchBusiness Manager
EdwardRossiterHead of Junior School
PhilipTattersall-KingDeputy Head

Any member of the School Committee can be contacted via the school office (01295 781 200) or by emailing Julia Morel, the Head’s PA.

What is School Committee?

School Committee is the name for Sibford School’s governing body (School Governors).  Sibford is an independent school and a charitable company limited by guarantee, the School Committee are the trustees of the charity and directors of the company.

School Committee’s role is to work with the Head and Senior Leadership Team to agree the School’s vision and strategic plan and then to set policy and direction of the school to meet those objectives.

The School Committee are ultimately responsible for the financial management of the school and for safeguarding.


As a Quaker school, meetings are held in the manner of the Society of Friends.  This provides a good opportunity for all to engage in the meeting, and ensures that everyone’s view is heard and that decisions are ultimately agreed by all members.

School Committee meets 3 times per year; March, June & November.  In addition to the main committee there are 2 sub-committees, School Life and Finance & Premises, which each also meet 3 times per year.  There are also several working groups which meet at various points throughout the year to undertake specific work and report back to committee meetings, such as the Bursary Group, Development Group, Inspection Group, Investment Group and Risk Group.

School Committee members are encouraged to make links with specific departments or areas of the school to maintain a supportive link between the School and School Committee.  It is always important for professional boundaries to be maintained in these relationships.

It is important to note that all aspects of the day to day management of the school are delegated to the Head, Senior Leadership Team and staff of the school.  The role of a governor is to ‘hover above’ the school whilst not getting involved in the day to day.

Sub Committees

School Life

The School Life sub-committee has oversight of the learning, pastoral and wider life of the school. This includes reviewing policies relating to teaching and learning, monitoring the progress of the school against its academic ‘Key Performance Indicators’ and ensuring pastoral care and safeguarding are being effectively implemented.  School Life also has a primary interest in areas such as compliance, inspection readiness and staff / pupil welfare.

Finance & Premises

Finance & Premises covers the business side of the school ensuring that budgets are being met and overseeing the financial performance of the school.  This committee also reviews development and maintenance plans for the school infrastructure and ensures good health and safety standards are achieved.  Inspection readiness is also an important element of the work of this committee.

What is the role of a governor?

Members of School Committee (or governors) are drawn from our ‘Old Scholars’ (SOSA), ‘Parent governors’ from the Parents’ Association (PSFA), from Quaker Meetings (via Sibford General Meeting) and some governors are ‘co-opted’ for a period of time.  At least 50% of School Committee should be members of the Society of Friends (Quakers) and all members must be in sympathy for our values and ethos. Being a governor is an opportunity to help shape the lives of the children and wider community of Sibford School.   The role can be challenging at times and yet it is deeply rewarding as you will be able to have a direct involvement in the direction of the School.  Discretion and impartiality are vital. The role is voluntary although you may claim expenses for the likes of travel. 

Governors bring their wealth of experience and knowledge, contributing to the successful running of the school.  Being a governor is a "hands off" role – decisions made by School Committee influence the whole school, but governors are not responsible for, or involved in, the day-to-day running of the school.  The role is a necessary part of ensuring the good functioning of school leadership.  Governors help set the ethos of the school and drive for continuous improvement, and they also oversee financial performance and ensure money is well-spent.  Governors commission the Head and other school leaders to act on their behalf in putting their ideas into practice, and they ensure that the school leadership is supported and held to account in doing so.

The role should appeal to those who want to make a positive impact on the education of every Sibford pupil as well as school life more generally.

What skills do you need?

  • School Committee need a wide range of skills across all members to meet its statutory and charitable obligations and therefore everyone has something they can bring to support the team. To be an effective part of the committee a governor should:
  • Have a strong commitment to the role and the school and be willing and able to dedicate the required time for meetings and to review reports and paperwork
  • Have a clear focus upon ensuring that there are high aspirations for all of the children in the school and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for all pupils
  • Be able to listen and digest the information presented and have the ability to question and analyse, and a willingness to learn
  • Show a good understanding of the role of governor and its distinction from a staff member at school
  • As the holder of a public office, to adhere to the seven principles of public life, which are selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership.

Are you interested in becoming a governor?

We would love to hear from you. Please contact Julia Morel (Head’s PA) [email protected] with a brief resume about yourself, your skill set and your links to the school.  Please make it clear which role you are interested in:

  • Quaker Governor
  • PSFA Governor
  • SOSA Governor
  • Co-opted Governor

Julia will pass your details to our Clerk of Committee (Chair of Governors), Jonathan Lingham who will review applications with other members of School Committee.

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