Sibford School is a warm and welcoming family school which offers an outstanding education.
The School been rated as Excellent (the highest descriptor possible) by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) following their visit to the school in December 2021.
There were two parts to the inspection: a Regulatory Compliance Inspection (RCI) and an Educational Quality Inspection (EQI). During this time, they observed lessons and learning activities, scrutinised policies and practices, carried out questionnaires with pupils, parents and staff, conducted work trawls and interviewed pupils and staff throughout the school.
We were delighted that ISI told us that: ‘pupils’ attainment and progress from their different starting points are excellent; pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding develop to a high level as they move through the school; pupils demonstrate outstanding attitudes towards learning and achievement; pupils’ communication skills are advanced for their age throughout the school’.
ISI stated that the staff were: ‘teaching consistently thorough the school; enthusiastic; gave effective feedback; had high expectations; used very good use of praise in many lessons; celebrated and valued individuals and promoted a sense of belonging and that staff celebrate and promote the Quaker ethos’.
We were grateful that ISI specifically ‘thanked staff and pupils for their warm welcome’.
Some highlights from the EQI report:
ISI have confirmed that Sibford School is Excellent / Excellent and fully compliant. You can see the full report here